Serenity Search

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Waiting on the road to Damascus

My favorite speech at the April general conference was Waiting on the road to Damascus. Sunday May 22 I received my copy of the 181st general conference edition of the Ensign. On Monday morning I was talking to my best friend Becky on the phone and decided to share the speech with her as she missed it during the conference. I unfortunately did not take my sinus medicine before starting. As I coughed and sniffled my way through the speech, which was not easy, I never once thought of stopping.
I got up and grabbed something to drink and kept reading. I wanted to share a message that spoke so clearly to me. Something was trying to stop me, make me give up and just let her go to the web page and ether listen to the speech or read it herself. I wanted her to know how much it meant to me.
I know some people get stuck waiting on that road. Even for small moments in time. We sit and wait at the sad times, the lonely times asking God to give us a sign that he is really there when he is there and giving us the extra boost that we are too busy to understand.
“The truth is, those who diligently seek to learn of Christ eventually will come to know Him. They will personally receive a divine portrait of the Master, although it most often comes in the form of a puzzle- one piece at a time.” President Uchtdorf
This speech spoke to me because sometimes I find myself looking for the whole picture when I am missing some of the pieces and felling like I have lost those pieces forever. I find myself waiting for God to help when I should know that without His help I would never have had the strength to get as far down the road without Him. While reading the speech to Becky I realized that thorough all the hard times in the past couple of years I was on my own road to Damascus. I was waiting for God to tell me what I needed to do without listening for the answer.
I know that God loves me. I know that Jesus died on the cross for my sins. Some days I wonder why. I don’t feel like I am good enough. Then I remember the love I feel from my heavenly Father when I do stop to notice, and I no longer wonder.
 I know I am stronger because of the love that both God, and Jesus, have for me. I know that I am still on the road to Damascus but I know that God is with me and I am moving forward, I am no longer waiting for God’s love I know I have it with me. If you are waiting on your road to Damascus then I hope you will pray and find the love God has for you and, that you will listen to that still quite voice that will lead you if you take the time.

Becky did a post about this also you fan find it here


  1. love it. You are so strong, and you turn to the right places for strength.

  2. I agree she is a very strong person and as she moves down her road and God to love her Jesus to laid the path and the Holy Ghost to guide her. She is a wonderful friend and glad to have a friend like her. SHOUT OUT TO THE MISSIONARIES
